uld_ases wrote in twislash_100 Sep 27, 2011 22:56
author: uld_ases, prompt 21: like a moth to a flame, genre: general, prompt 24: home, prompt 23: quote 1, genre: angst, couple: leahxalice, prompt 25: quote 2, couple: jasperxseth, genre: romance, couple: edwardxjacob, couple: quilxembry, prompt 22: burn
herumtreiber wrote in twislash_100 Aug 01, 2011 09:01
prompt 21: like a moth to a flame, genre: humor, genre: romance, couple: edwardxjacob
twilightscribe wrote in twislash_100 Jun 21, 2011 02:49
couple: jasperxjacob, author: twilightscribe, genre: erotica, prompt 21: like a moth to a flame
like_i_love_you wrote in twislash_100 Apr 05, 2011 15:58
prompt 21: like a moth to a flame, genre: humor, couple: emmettxjasper
starry_nights88 wrote in twislash_100 Mar 09, 2011 00:23
author: starry_nights88, prompt 21: like a moth to a flame, genre: general, couple: edwardxjacob
avari_maethor wrote in twislash_100 Mar 08, 2011 16:49
genre: drama, author: avari_maethor, genre: erotica, couple: jasperxseth, prompt 21: like a moth to a flame, genre: romance
avari_maethor wrote in twislash_100 Mar 08, 2011 16:26
author: avari_maethor, couple: jasperxseth, prompt 21: like a moth to a flame, genre: general, genre: friendship
skargasm wrote in twislash_100 Mar 08, 2011 15:18
genre: erotica, prompt 21: like a moth to a flame, genre: angst, couple: emmettxpaul